Home Page Solar Hot Water SHW Performance data Grid connect PV Solar Electricity Links

picture of our house    

Welcome to my website, these pages give details of the solar systems we have installed in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire and records of the outputs we have got from them. The solar hot water system was installed in September 1999 and the PV in March 2004 and extended in January 2017

Our house faces 40 degrees west of south, but the PV has still managed to produce around what was predicted for a south facing roof. August 2019 saw us pass 30MWs of home generation. PV typically produces 75% of its annual output over the 6 months through summer when the sun is higher in the sky, and the remaining 25% over the other 6 months. Good Energy pay us for our electricity generation from the 1.7 kWh system, Octopus pay us for export, our PV was installed before the Feed In Tariff was announced and can't include the system extension of the other 1.9kWp.

I am with Octopus on their Intelligent Octopus GO 'time of use' electricity tariff so get 6 hours overnight and sometimes more. If you are in the UK and switch to Octopus they give you a 50 pound credit on your account with my referral code .

By 15th August 2022 we have generated as much as imported that year, most electricity usage is for charging the car but since Sept 2022 we have become an all electric home having installed a Tepeo Zero Emissions Boiler, so electricity usage has gone up quite a bit but we no longer use gas. Full details on Grid connect PV page.

2025 Monthly details:-
January -This month was slightly sunnier than average. Generated 120kWhs(PVGIS 113kWhs).

The solar hot water system produces over 70% of the hot water used in this house. It produced 100% of the hot water from early March to middle of September in 2000. Proving to us that solar power really does work in England. We normally turn the boiler off for around 5 months in the summer each year. The solar hot water system was installed as a DIY installation, but we had the cylinder replaced in Jun 2022 with a Mixergy smart cylinder (see solar hot water page). Our house faces approximately South West which is not the optimum direction, even so water temperatures in the summer regularly reach over 60 deg C (up to 80degC on very sunny days) and in the middle of winter on a clear frosty day we have got the water heated up to over 40 deg C even though the air temp is below O deg!!! This orientation does give us more generation early evening in the summer compared to due south.

  I hope you find this site interesting, please email me if you have any questions or comments.

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