Fuel Usage Performance data 2013  

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Generated and imported electricity data for 2013 with monthly summaries below.

This year started very cold and with well below the monthly averages until June and ended with 1526 kWh generated. A total of 883 kWh's were imported this year, approx 58% of the amount generated by the PV. By April 23rd 2013 we have generated as much as imported this year, over a month later than last year. Overall we still ended up at 95% of 1600kWh target.(see monthly data chart)

2013 Stats

total recorded generation in 2013 = 1526 kWh's

Best week = 70 kWhrs ... Best day = 10 kWhrs


Electricity comparison generated / imported (graph-weekly data)

Weekly electricity generation comparison (graph)

Weekly PV generation data table 2013

Cumulative generation 2013

Daily PV data 2013 graph

Weekly gas usage graph 2004-2013 (log burner installed Sept 2008)

Weekly electricity imports graph 2004-2013

2013 Monthly details:-
January - has been slightly below average at 46kWh (Avg 49kWh), despite Jan being duller than average according to the Met Office
February - has been very overcast, so came out below average at 61kWh (Avg 72kWh)
March - has been very overcast and cold. March normally generates approx. double the February figure. But this year was the worst ever for me. It came out at 93kWh which is only 66% of monthly average of 140kWh.
April - Started overcast but has got sunnier, though still came out below average at 173kWh (Avg 184kWh), but much better than last year.
May - Came out just below average at 189kWh (Avg 199kWh).
June - The first month this year to beat the average at 213kWh (Avg 206kWh) and 50 kWhs better than last years appalling total.
July - A hot and sunny month and the best result since system installed at 253 kWh. Only July 2006 came close at 245kWh, monthly average 198 kWh.
August - Came out just above average at 184kWh (Avg 180kWh).
September - Was a warm but generally overcast month, so below average at 134kWh (Avg 151kWh).
October - An overcast month, so well below average, equal to our worst October to date at 89kWh (Avg 105kWh).
November - Seemed like a dull month but came out just below average at 54kWh (Avg 59kWh).
December - Started very dull but got sunnier towards the end of the month and finished with average generation at 39 kWh (Avg 38kWh)
