Fuel Usage Performance data 2020  

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2020 generated 3,740 kWhrs (104% of 3,583kWhrs)

The table below compares the monthly generation against the PV-GIS predicted output. Red figures are below predicted level and green figures are above.

This year started very wet with Jan and Mar below expectation, and then a sunny summer total generation ended up at 3,740kWh. The best years generation so far.
A total of 2,415kWh's were imported this year, approx 1,000 kWhs down on last year due to lock down and not using car for 3 months.
By 12th April 2020 we had generated as much as imported this year almost 2 months earlier than last year. Also gas usage data graph below, gas usage in 2020 was 3,094kWhs less than 2019 total.

2020 Stats:

Total generation in 2020 = 3,740 kWh's

Best week = 152 kWhrs ... Best day = 26 kWhrs


Electricity comparison generated / imported (graph-weekly data)

Weekly electricity generation comparison (graph)

Monthly PV data graph

Weekly PV generation data table 2020

Cumulative generation 2020

Daily PV data 2020 graph

Weekly gas usage graph 2010-2020

Weekly electricity imports graph 2011-2020

2020 Monthly details:-
January -This month we generated slightly more than last year. Generated 103kWhs(last year 99kWhs).
February -This month was very cloudy and wet, but still generated 153kWh just below PVGIS figure 160kWh. Though this was well below last years generation of 220kWhs.
March -This month turned out very sunny after a wet start,generating 359kWh above PVGIS figure of 333kWh and about 60kWhs above last years 290kWhs.
April -This month was very sunny and warm generating 485kWh above PVGIS figure of 416kWh and well above last years 398kWhs.
May -This month was best ever May very sunny and warm generating 608kWhs well above PVGIS figure of 458kWhs and also well above last years 446kWhs.
June -This month had very mixed weather generating 446kWhs just below PVGIS figure of 462kWhs, but well above last years 381kWhs.
July -This month had very mixed weather only generating 426kWhs below PVGIS figure of 458kWhs, and well below last years 475kWhs.
August -This month also had very mixed weather only generating 378kWhs below PVGIS figure of 391kWhs, and well below last years 460kWhs.
September -This month was quite sunny generating 376kWhs above PVGIS figure of 334kWhs, and slightly better than last years 365kWhs.
October -This month was quite wet generating 182kWhs, below PVGIS figure of 225kWhs, and slightly worse than last years 209kWhs.
November -This month was near average generating 131kWhs PVGIS figure 137kWhs.
December -This month was near average generating 91kWhs PVGIS figure 96kWhs.
