Fuel Usage Performance data 2016  

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2016 is the last year of current system as capacity doubled in early Jan 2017 from 1.8 to 3.67 kWp so there will be no ongoing comparison as output will hopefully more than double as the inverter has also been replaced with a Solaredge system. The system data states that ththe 1.8kWp array should produce 1600 kWh annually SAP 2005 gives output as 1394 kWh, PVGIS website as 1520kWh annually so actually above both of them)

2016 generated 1546 kWhrs (97%)
2015 generated 1588 kWhrs (100%)
2014 generated 1595 kWhrs (100%)
2013 generated 1526 kWhrs (95%)
2012 generated 1514 kWhrs (95%)
2011 generated 1578 kWhrs (99%)
2010 generated 1562 kWhrs (98%)
2009 generated 1531 kWhrs (96%)
2008 generated 1547 kWhrs (97%)
2007 generated 1619 kWhrs (101%)
2006 generated 1640 kWhrs (102%)
2005 generated 1619 kWhrs (101%)

We generate on average 113% of SAP calculated output.
The table below compares the monthly generation against the PV-GIS predicted output. Red figures are below predicted level and green figures are above.

Panasonic have produced a long term performance
factsheet. Showing no degredation of my system output to date.

Generated and imported electricity data for 2016 with monthly summaries and annual comparisons below.

This year started bright and then had an poor June and July and ended with a sunny November and December, total generation ended up at 1546 kWh. A total of 956 kWh's were imported this year, approx 115 kWhs up on last year. But this was because we bought an electric car at the end of Nov and have been charging it at home and PV not generating much this time of year. By March 16th 2016 we have generated as much as imported this year about 10 days later than last year. Overall we ended up at 97% of 1600kWh target. Also gas usage data graph below, gas usage in 2016 was very similar to 2015 due to another mild winter, annual total was 3,018 kWhs. Imported electricity rose considerably in December as we started to charge our electric car at home.

2016 Stats

total recorded generation in 2016 = 1546 kWh's

Best week = 54 kWhrs ... Best day = 11 kWhrs


Electricity comparison generated / imported (graph-weekly data)

Weekly electricity generation comparison (graph)

Monthly PV data graph 2005 - 2016

Weekly PV generation data table 2016

Cumulative generation 2016

Daily PV data 2016 graph

Weekly gas usage graph 2004-2016 (log burner installed Sept 2008)

Weekly electricity imports graph 2004-2016

2016 Monthly details:-
January -A very mild month and just below average generation (45 kWh, avg 49 kWh)
February -A cooler month, but sunnier, the second best February since system installed, with well above average generation (84 kWh, avg 72 kWh).
March -A cloudier month that came out just below average generation (130 kWh, avg 136 kWh)
April -A very variable month and quite cold that also came out below average for generation (174 kWh, avg 184 kWh)
May -A fairly sunny month came out just average for generation (204 kWh, avg 197 kWh)
June -A very overcast and wet month after a good start. Well below average for generation (179 kWh, avg 210 kWh)
July -A fairly hot and sunny month which came out just below average for generation (203 kWh, avg 206 kWh)
August -A hot and sunny month which came out above average for generation (189 kWh, avg 179 kWh)
September -A hot and cloudy month, record temperatures but well below average for generation (132 kWh, avg 150 kWh)
October -A very mild and sunny month, with above average generation (109 kWh, avg 98 kWh)
November -Started mild but ended up sunny and very cold, with above average generation (63 kWh, avg 55 kWh)
December -A cold but sunny month, with above average generation (46 kWh, avg 39 kWh)
